Toefl iBT Course

The TOEFL® test measures how well test takers use English, not just their knowl- edge of the language. Because it is a valid and reliable test with unbiased, objec- tive scoring, the TOEFL test confirms that a student has the English language skills necessary to succeed in an academic setting.

Undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate programs around the world require students to demonstrate their ability to communicate in English as an entrance requirement.

Main Topics:

provides an overview of the test, information about test scores, and an introduction to the on-screen appearance of the different parts of the TOEFL iBT ® test, along with general test-taking suggestions.

provide in-depth discussions of the kinds of ques- tions that appear in each section of the test. Each chapter also includes practice questions and explanations of correct answers so that you will understand the actual communicative skills that are being tested in each section.

provide four full-length actual TOEFL iBT ® tests that will give you an idea of how you might perform on the actual test.

guide to help you write essays in English. It covers grammar, usage, mechanics, style, and organization and development. There is also a discussion of different types of essays, tips on how to improve your essay by revising, editing, and proofreading, and a glossary.

150 JD Toefl iBT course

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